Sorry, registration for this tour is now closed.
Join us for a tour of the East Wing of the White House, and see where American Presidents have been living and hosting foreign dignitaries for over a century! Visit the Blue Room, the Red Room, the Green Room, the Grand Staircase, among other locations, and see the State Dining Room for yourself.
Space is limited to the first 50 NCVAA attendees who sign up. You may register a non-NCVAA guest, but we cannot guarantee a spot for your guest, as priority will be given to NCVAA attendees.
Please review the following restrictions carefully, as they are non-negotiable.
All guests 18 years of age or older will be required to present government issued photo identification. All foreign nationals must present their passport. All other forms of foreign identification will not be accepted. Individuals whose identification does not exactly match the data submitted for entry or have an improper form of ID may be denied admittance. Acceptable forms of ID include:
- Valid Government issued United States drivers license
- Valid Government issued United States identification card
- Valid United States or other official government issued passports
- Valid United States State Department ID
- For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted
The following items are prohibited: Cameras or Video Recorders; Handbags, book bags, backpacks or purses; food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items (i.e. makeup, lotion, etc.); strollers and diaper bags; any pointed objects; aerosol containers; guns, ammunition, fireworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons/devices, or knives of any size.
No storage facilities are available on or around the White House complex. Individuals who arrive with prohibited items will not be permitted to enter the White House.
Umbrellas, wallets, cell phones (including those with cameras) and car keys are permitted.
All items needed for medical purposes will be permitted on the tour (including wheelchairs, electric scooters, and walkers). All necessary medications must be identified and explained to U.S. Secret Service. Any medication for minors must remain in the custody of an adult chaperone or contact during the tour.
All persons and items entering the White House will go through airport-like security. Individuals may be requested to consent to an interview or additional security procedures before they are admitted to the White House complex. White House tours may be subject to last minute cancellation. Visitors may call the 24-hour line at 202-456-7041 for the most current tour information.