Celebration of Leadership District of Columbia Bar Awards Dinner and Annual Meeting
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We invite you to attend the gala dinner to salute D.C. Bar outstanding leaders and projects and to welcome our new officers.
Thursday, June 30, 2011 7:00 p.m. Reception 7:30 p.m. Dinner and Program Mayflower Renaissance Hotel The Grand Ballroom 1127 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, D.C.
Join the D.C. Bar as we celebrate our work to enhance access to justice, improve the legal system, and empower lawyers to achieve excellence.
We are proud to announce 2011 Award Winners Beatrice Rosenberg Award for Excellence in Government Service
Paul S. Koffsky, deputy general counsel for Personnel and Health Policy at the U.S. Department of Defense
William J. Brennan, Jr. Award
To be announced.
Awards will also be presented at the Celebration of Leadership to:
Best Section Community Outreach Best Section of the Year Award Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year Pro Bono Law Firm Award Best Bar Project of the Year And the distinguished Frederick B. Abramson Award which recongizes a Bar project, committee or product that has made the year's most significant contribution to the Bar and its members.
Best Section Community Outreach Best Section of the Year Award Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year Pro Bono Law Firm Award Best Bar Project of the Year
And the distinguished Frederick B. Abramson Award which recongizes a Bar project, committee or product that has made the year's most significant contribution to the Bar and its members.
We will also announce the 2011 election results and will conclude with the official swearing–in of D.C. Bar President Darrell G. Mottley.
$100 ticket per person $1,000 ticket for table of 10 guests The ticket price covers the cost of the Dinner Groups that register by June 9 may be included on the Celebration of Leadership Host Committee. Host committee participants will be printed in the Dinner program.
$100 ticket per person $1,000 ticket for table of 10 guests The ticket price covers the cost of the Dinner
Groups that register by June 9 may be included on the Celebration of Leadership Host Committee. Host committee participants will be printed in the Dinner program.
For more information about Celebration of Leadership, the 2011 Awards Dinner and Annual Meeting, contact Verniesa R. Allen or call (202) 737–4700, ext. 3239.
For information about the 2011 Presidents’ Reception which immediately preceeds the Celebration of Leadership or to make a contribution to the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Program, contact Kathy Downey or call (202) 588–1857.